Most anabolics are based on some sort of synthetic hormones. The most powerful and effective of them is considered to be the main male hormone, Testosterone. That is why you can often find Testosterone-based preparations on the sports pharmacology market. Experienced athletes prefer to maximize the effects of the course and choose the drug Spectrum Pharma Testo Mix 250. It has all the beneficial properties that every athlete desires, including muscle growth, increased strength, and endurance.
What is Testo Mix 250?
Testo Mix 250 is a steroid supplement that is a blend of four unique Testosterone esters. It includes Decanoate, Propionate, Phenylpropionate and Isocaproate. This is a potent anabolic-androgenic steroid used by athletes mainly on mass-building courses.
Composite preparations of Testosterone (also known as mixtures of Testosterone esters), appeared on the pharmaceutical market in the 70s of the 20th century. Initially, they were intended for medicinal purposes only, being used in case of muscular dystrophy or sexual underdevelopment in men. However, over time, they became widespread in sports medicine, where they are still in high demand. Like other Testosterone-based preparations, Spectrum Pharma Testo Mix 250 is available in injectable form.
How does Spectrum Pharma Testo Mix 250 work?
As you might have already realized, Testo Mix 250 (or Sustanon 250) consists of different types of Testosterone ester. Based on this composition, its working principle and properties are the same as those offered by other similar steroids.
After performing Testo Mix 250 injection from Spectrum Pharma, the short Propionate ester is the first to go to work (1-2 days to half-life), followed by Phenylpropionate (2-3 days to half-life), followed by Isocaproate (5 days to half-life) and Decanoate respectively (7 days to half-life). The full period of activity is 14-21 days.
Testo Mix 250 Benefits
Before we take a closer look at the benefits of Testo Mix 250 Spectrum Pharma, we should say that such a drug is powerful and works guaranteed. Having studied numerous reviews of athletes on the Internet, we can highlight such properties:
- Quick gain of muscle mass. The Sustanon 250 actively stimulates protein synthesis. This contributes to accelerated and high-quality muscle growth.
- Increase in strength performance. Statistics show that after taking mixed Testosterone, strength indicators increase by 10-15%.
- Acceleration of recovery. Spectrum Pharma Testo Mix 250 allows athletes to work harder and more intensely in the gym.
- Improve libido. Increased Testosterone levels always have a positive effect on sexual desire and improved erections.
It is not hard to notice that all the benefits of this drug are identical to those offered by different Testosterone esters separately. The main plus is that here all the beneficial properties are gathered in one mixture and maximize the effects.
How to Take Testo Mix 250 to Maximize Workout Results?
Now is the time to learn more about how to take Testo Mix to achieve the desired sports goals in a short time. We have collected the most important recommendations that you should follow:
- The minimum dosage is 250 mg, and the maximum dosage is 1000 mg per week. However, doctors usually prescribe a dosage that varies from 500 to 750 mg per week.
- The drug is used in long courses - from 6 to 12 weeks.
- The main way of using Testo Mix 250 Spectrum Pharma for sports purposes is combined courses. Testosterone esters and mixtures of testosterone esters are effectively combined with a variety of anabolic-androgenic steroids, including Methenolone Enanthate, Methandienone, Turinabol, and Boldenone Undecylenate.
Testo Mix perfectly demonstrates itself in the body of men. However, due to the strong androgenic effect of Testosterone ester mixtures for sports purposes, it is recommended only for men. They are contraindicated for women in sports, because even when using the minimum dosage of the hormone, there is still a high risk of masculinization of the body.
Side Effects of Testo Mix 250
The question that has always interested beginners is what side effects can occur during the course of Testo Mix 250 Spectrum Pharma. Its side effects can be estrogenic or androgenic in nature. Potentially, these are such negative effects:
- Acne.
- Excess water retention in the muscles.
- Increased blood pressure.
- Headache.
- Increased aggression.
- Testicular atrophy.
- Gynecomastia.
Sports doctors recommend taking estrogen receptor blockers to get rid of negative consequences. For example, a popular drug for post-course therapy is Tamoxifen, which returns the hormonal background to normal levels.