Methandienone (Methandrostenolone, Dianabol, and Dbol) is an orally active anabolic steroid first developed in Germany and later marketed in the United States by Ciba Specialty Chemicals in the early 1960s. It is also a derivative of testosterone, which is the most popular steroidal substance in the world and the second most widespread steroid (behind testosterone). Methandienone generates powerful protein synthesis, glycogenolysis, and muscular strength, so you may choose Pharmabol 100 for sale online in the US.
What is Pharmabol 100 Pharmacom?
Initially, the drug had the medical purpose of helping patients to be healthier soon after an illness, for instance, to help regenerate tissue after burns. As I continued to study the drug, it became apparent that one of its potential benefits was improving the overall mood of the female body. Because of its strong anabolic properties, athletes tend to abuse the drug.
Unlike other sports pharmacology market methadone producers, Pharmabol 100 is the only injectable one, which is manufactured by the Moldovan pharmaceutical company – Pharmacom Labs. Pharmabol 100, the only injectable form of methadone available on the market of sports pharmacology, is used by bodybuilders and other strength athletes for muscle growth, strength, and endurance enhancement. The steroid is contained in an ampoule and can be used as an injectable solution. The active ingredient in each milliliter is 100 mg.
How does Pharmacom Pharmabol 100 work?
This mechanism of action relies on reducing the receptors' affinity for SHBG. Hence, it is about 18-fold more potent than an equal amount of testosterone, which results in rapid muscle growth. Nevertheless, methandrostenolone aromatization gives rise to a high water retention level, accompanied by an increased estrogen level. Consequently, do not ignore your blood test and use some aromatase inhibitors.
The Pharmabol 100 for sale has a 320% greater anabolic effect and 50% androgenic effect on the man's body than testosterone. Generally, methamphetamine is called in the sports world "methane." This is because it is methandienone that is responsible for the drug's action. The main advantage that bodybuilders see in the drugs is that they can enhance the development and growth of muscles. Additionally, it makes you hungry and improves your bone health. Injections have an effect of two days at a stretch, which is much longer than tablets. The steroid is completely washed off the body in 5 weeks after being done with the injections, making the use of steroids before competitions or tournaments impossible.
Pharmabol 100 Benefits
Many athletes choose the pharmacological diet Dianabol because it offers several advantages for the athlete's body, such as quick muscle growth.
- This drug stimulates protein synthesis in the cells.
- It enhances the breakdown of glycogen and promotes the growth of good-quality muscles.
- Fat burning.
- Steroids tend to boost the utilization of body fats as an additional source of energy, producing the growth of muscles and the energy needed during exercise.
- Strength, power, and endurance can be increased in workouts – raising the appetite and bone system improvement.
How to Take Pharma Bol 100 for Enhanced Muscle Repair After Exercise?
Entry into the methane pharmacology laboratory should be mandatory for athletes who have taken injectable steroids with visible anabolic effects in the past. Want to buy Pharmabol 100? Here is info on what you should know:
- The daily dose of the medication is between 50 and 100 mg of the effective substance.
- It is better to administer it once or every other day.
- On the other hand, beginners can use it, but they shouldn't take more than 40 mg of steroids.
The optimal course is one and a half months to two months for sports enthusiasts.
Recognizing the Side Effects of PharmaBol 100 Pharmacom
Athletes of minor age should not use steroids. Along with prostate enlargement, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and liver disease are some of the contraindications to medical therapy. Side effects that can disappear if you don't read the instructions of such medicine:
- gynecomastia;
- atrophy of the testicles;
- loss of hair;
- blood pressure increase;
- atherosclerosis progression;
- increased sexual activity;
- female-typical masculinization.
In conclusion, this is a very good drug; with the right dosage and safe use, it's an extremely useful tool for rapid gains or/and maintenance of gains.
Pharmacom Labs has developed an injectable version of this well-known compound! It has a better bioavailability than oral form because it is not metabolized in the liver. The 30 mg oral dosage of Pharmabol 100 elicits a 50 mg oral dosage impact in terms of strength and muscle mass growth; this observation is based on the feedback provided by our various customers.