PharmaTest PH 100 is an anabolic steroid with moderate androgenic effects. It is composed of Testosterone Phenyl Propionate, an ingredient with a 100 percent anabolic ratio of testosterone. It can also enhance bone density and decrease the rate at which certain minerals are stored.
What is Pharma Test PH 100?
Weightlifting is the primary application that individuals give to this injectable anabolic steroid. Athletes use the drug as muscle builders, and they can get their muscles drier than in normal circumstances. Others are used as hormone replacement in the callus formation of secondary and primary sex characteristics in males and females.
How does Pharmacom Pharma Test PH 100 work?
Testosterone Phenylpropionate is one of the testosterone-based anabolic steroids. It is derived from the testosterone molecule and phenylpropionate ester. On average, its half-life is over five days. This implies that its effectiveness lasts fifteen days, thus avoiding daily injections. At most, two injections in a week are needed at any time.
As for the catabolic property of this steroid, Testosterone Phenylpropionate is a combination of Testosterone Enanthate and Cypionate or Testosterone Propionate based on the length of the ester. The most appealing about this one is that, while having one of the shorter esters, one rarely has to inject himself. It can be used as a standalone compound but stacked with other anabolics.
Benefits of Pharma Test PH 100
Your target will be largely dictated by the goals you have in place concerning the Pharmatest PH 100 for sale. It has been established that PharmaTest-PH Anabolic possesses the following effects and characteristics during use, which can be applied in sports and beyond. That's why you may buy Pharmatest PH 100 in A-steroidshop.
- The concentration of IGF-1 must be increased to use it for muscle and bone growth.
- Muscle growth stimulation.
- Increasing such parameters as muscle strength, for example.
- It comes back into circulation as a carrying and depositing agent of useful elements such as nitrogen, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, etc., While increasing the proliferation of satellite cells responsible for muscular repair and regeneration of injured muscles with greater efficiency.
- The acquisition of primary and secondary sexual traits that are sexual organs, voice pitch, etc.
It has other beneficial effects, including enhanced rates of body recoveries and enhanced endurance.
How to Take Pharma Test PH 100 for Enhanced Muscle Repair After Workout?
Testosteron-Phenylpropionate and the so-called “Mixes” are anabolic/androgenic steroids in the PharmaTest-PH program. Testosteron-Phenylpropionate can be stacked with nearly any other steroid.
However, you can get Pharmatest PH 100 for sale online in the US to both tasks simultaneously: building muscles and going through a dry-cycle plan.
- It can be combined with stanozolol, methandienone, nandrolone, turinabol, etc. This combination will only impress those who are particularly fond of short ethers.
- A recent dose schedule used is 200 to 500 mg per week. The injections are administered three days apart, but the maximum frequency is two times weekly.
- That is about 8-10 full weeks, throughout which the course proposed is maintained as the primary focus of learning. Such dosage, period, and frequency will provide a quantitative impact and bring about the desired change.
- The active substance concentration in this anabolic steroid is 100 milligrams for a 1-milliliter amount. This means 5 ml of the drug is enough to use a week, though PharmaTest-PH should be used in the maximum allowed quantities of only 500 mg per week, divided into two portions.
- You will need 2 ml at a dilution of 1 ml: 200 mg per week. The volume of a steroid vial must be 10 ml. This should be enough for at least a two-week course.
Side Effects of Pharma Test PH 100 Pharmacom Overuse
At the same time, side effects such as:
- swelling of the face;
- development of acne;
- excessive;
- prolonged erection of the penis;
- headaches;
- diarrhea.
All of this may be experienced either while using PharmaTest-PH or after using the drug in excessive doses.
There is a possibility of side effects if the user continues to take the steroid, but if use is stopped, side effects will cease. It is also similarly realized that the compound has a carcinogenic property, which, in simpler terms, gives one some feminine breast tissue and fluid retention. Hence, anti-estrogens should be included in a long-term of steroids from the second week onward, such as Proviron 25 mg per day, to reduce side effects.
As for the usage of anabolic steroids by girls in the athletic field, unfortunately, there is no concrete data on it. However, it was discovered that the World PharmaTest-PH could be administered to women as medicine.
The indications for use are the following: conditions like breast cancer, uterine fibroid, menopausal symptoms, and osteoporosis.
Storage conditions: store the closed container of the medicine in places with no contact with light, and you should also ensure that the place is out of the reach of children.