Many athletes, sportsmen and bodybuilders turn to the decision of using sports pharmacology supplements. Steroid products usually help to quickly build muscle mass, increase strength and make the body look relief. These goals are often set before important competitions.
What medication do you think is most commonly found in the preparations of bodybuilders and people from other sports? Undoubtedly - Pharmatren H 100, as it is considered to be one of the most powerful and effective products for getting sports results in the shortest possible time. Today, you can easily find a large selection of Pharmatren H 100 for sale online in US.
What is Pharmacom Pharma Tren H 100?
Pharma Tren H100 is a steroid drug that was produced by Pharmacom Labs for use in the sports field. Athletes from all over the world love and appreciate this anabolic because it gives the first results very quickly. At the same time, there is no need to make injections too frequently.
The main active ingredient in such a drug is Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzenzylcarbonate (Tren Hexa). Also, the compound includes many other useful components to maximize the effect of the course. You can purchase Tren H100 steroid supplement in the form of a special solution in a 100 mg vial for injections.
How does Pharmatren H 100 work?
When you hear that Pharma Tren H100 is the most powerful drug of its kind, this is not just the bait of online marketing experts. The medication has incredible androgenic (500%) and anabolic (500%) activity. For example, many similar drugs have an androgenic and anabolic activity index several times less.
First of all, Tren Hexa (Parabolan) helps the consumed proteins to be better absorbed in the body and also stimulates protein synthesis. As a result, muscles grow faster and become harder. The drug also helps to produce red blood cells, which are important for enriching the muscles with oxygen. Generally, during one course of intake, you can build up about 10 kilograms of quality muscle mass, increase productivity, and give your muscles a relief shape.
Benefits of Pharma Tren H 100 Pharmacom
What makes Pharmatren H 100 so popular in the community of bodybuilders and other sportsmen? The main positive properties of the body are considered to be:
- Good and fast dry muscle gain.
- Increase in strength and endurance during training in the gym.
- Complete blocking of catabolic processes.
- Burning fat deposits in the abdominal area.
- Increase in sex drive.
- Increase in hardness and elasticity of muscles.
Among the useful effects of the Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate course is the accelerated recovery of the body after injuries and hard workouts. Combined with proper nutrition, taking steroid injections significantly increases the chance of achieving better results. All of these benefits, in combination, are the reason why athletes use this product for both the bulking and cutting phases.
How to Take Pharmatren H 100 for Quicker Muscle Repair After Exercise?
Each person has their features of intake based on individual characteristics and the desired result. No matter if you are an experienced strongman or only a beginner, in any case the dosage should be discussed with a sports doctor or a personal trainer who understands it. Here are the general recommendations for taking Pharmatren H 100:
- The recommended dose is 300 mg injections once a week.
- Beginners can start the course without exceeding 150 mg.
- Advanced bodybuilders sometimes use about 450 mg per week but then have an increased risk of side effects.
- The course of intake usually lasts from 8 to 9 weeks.
If you want to maximize the results from such a course, you can pair it with other drugs. Numerous reviews confirm that Pharmatren H 100 for sale is most often combined with Turinabol, Testosterone E, or Winstrol.
Pharma Tren H 100: Potential Health Side Effects
Before you buy Pharmatren H 100, first of all, you need to study in detail the reviews of real users about the drug and information about its negative effects. We have collected all the detailed information on whether Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzenzylcarbonate 100 Pharmacom has side effects.
- Deterioration of the body's production of Testosterone.
- Gynecomastia.
- Problems with sleep.
- High blood pressure.
Since the medication is not aromatized, it is completely free of estrogenic side effects. Thus, there is no need to worry about nausea, headaches, irritability, and the appearance of aggression.
As you might have realized, Tren H100 is a safe steroid if you follow the adjusted dosage correctly and stick to the course duration. Tren H100 is strictly prohibited for people with heart disease or people with serious liver and hepatic problems