Many new products appear on the market of sports supplements every year. The variety of assortment makes it difficult to find a product that is guaranteed to give the expected effect without causing complications in the body. All you need to buy a really high-quality drug is to give preference to trusted brands.
A reliable drug based on growth hormone is Somatropin 75IU. You can hear about this drug from experienced bodybuilders, powerlifters, and other athletes who want to move to a new level of performance.
What is Canada Somatropin?
Somatropin is a high-quality synthetic version of human growth hormone (HGH) produced by Canada Peptides, a pharmacological brand with an excellent reputation worldwide. The basis of the drug is Somatropin (HGH), which is responsible for many processes in the human body. In addition to this component, the product contains other additional ingredients. You should actively train, eat properly, and get at least 8 hours of sleep a day in order to get great results from the course.
How does Somatropin 75 IU work?
Somatropin 75IU growth hormone is an effective product with many positive results. It promotes fat burning, boosts the immune system, and improves the functioning of the senses. In addition, it promotes muscle cell growth and increases muscle volume, improves hair and skin condition, and enhances libido.
The mechanism of the drug's action is based on its stimulating the delivery of amino acids to the cells of muscles and internal organs, which promotes protein production and prevents catabolic processes. Moreover, it retains water in the body, maintaining an optimal balance of electrolytes and preventing the loss of important trace elements. We should also mention the fact that Somatropine strengthens the skeleton, allowing the bones and spine to withstand heavy loads without the risk of injury.
What are the benefits of Somatropin 75IU Magnus?
Somatropine is one of the most popular hormones that bodybuilders need. The right course will be able to guarantee you many benefits, including these ones:
- Active muscle growth. The drug promotes powerful anabolic and anti-catabolic action. In simple words, the growth of muscle mass is accelerated.
- Burning of subcutaneous fat. Statistics show that in one course, you can get rid of several kilograms of excess weight.
- Increase in energy reserves. Somatropin regulates energy reserves, providing vigor and strength throughout the day.
- Strengthening of joints. The medication has a positive effect on joints and ligaments. For athletes, the risk of injuries in training is reduced.
An interesting fact was obtained by scientists from a recent study. Men who regularly used synthetic Somatropin and did not change their lifestyle were able to improve their performance by 14%.
How to Take Somatropin 75 for Better Endurance?
Some beginners in the field of sports pharmacology think that better results can be achieved faster by choosing a high dosage. Actually, it doesn't work that way, and success depends on the correct dosage schedule for the hormone. What about the course of Somatropine? A specific dose and duration of the course can only be prescribed by a doctor or an experienced sports coach. However, experts emphasize the basic rules and recommendations:
- The recommended dosage for sports purposes is 10IU per day.
- Athletes advise the optimal course, the duration of which is two months.
- Insulin syringes should be used for injections. Based on the feedback of athletes, this is the optimal option.
- The powder of the medication is diluted with water for injections, at the same time, you can’t shake the bottle for rapid dissolution of the powder.
Before starting the course, it is advisable to consult an endocrinologist. The use of Somatropin 75iu only is not enough to achieve stable results. You should use other drugs during the course. For example, popular options in the course are anabolic steroids Sustanon 250 or Testosterone Enanthate.
Somatropin 75IU: Potential Side Effects
Growth hormone has been studied on volunteers for a long time, so scientists have been able to obtain useful information regarding potential risks.
- Overdose may cause abdominal bloating and water retention.
- Other reported side effects include numbness in the hands and feet, dry mouth, dry skin and mild nausea, headaches and dizziness.
- Longer course duration may cause an increase in the uneven distribution of muscle growth in the body.
The risk of Somatropine side effects can be affected by the quality of the drug. It can depend on the manufacturer, the retailer, and even the storage conditions. The manufacturer Magnus Pharmaceuticals recommends storing Somatropin only in the refrigerator to avoid high temperatures and direct sunlight.