It is hardly possible to find at least one bodybuilder today whose pre-season preparation is not based on testosterone. Experienced athletes are well aware that there are several types of injectable steroids based on the main male hormone. In terms of performance Testosterone Cypionate Spectrum Pharma is one of the best drugs for gaining mass, and by price/quality ratio it has no equal at all.
Pharma Testo C is very popular among people who want to improve their physical performance faster, get bigger or get rid of excess fat. Remember that you should buy TESTO C Spectrum Pharma in US only in a trusted place, such as our store.
What is Spectrum Pharma Testo C?
The main purpose of Testosterone Cypionate Spectrum Pharma 250 is to help you gain muscle mass, and it absolutely copes with this task. Also, some sportsmen like to favor this medication when it comes to the «cutting» phase. However, you need to initially understand that in order to achieve visible results in a short time, you must train hard in the gym and follow a healthy diet. Pharmacological company Spectrum Pharma produces the drug in the form of vials that contain 10 ml of the substance for further injections by consumers.
How does Testo C 250 Spectrum Pharma work?
Let's look at in more detail the principle of this drug's action because, for many people, it remains a mystery until now. Generally, if we talk about the hormone testosterone, which is produced by the male body, it has an influence on many things. The basis of the medication TESTO C from the manufacturer Spectrum Pharma is Testosterone Cypionate.
Studies have shown that high testosterone doses increase the number (upregulation) of androgen receptors in muscle fibers. Taking Testo C 250 Spectrum Pharma in combination with strength training provokes an increase in muscle size through hypertrophy and the formation of new muscle fibers. TESTO C also increases the athlete's strength naturally. The uniqueness of Testo C 250 is that it has an equally strong effect on both beginners and the most experienced steroid users.
Spectrum Pharma Testo C benefits
It is possible to talk about the benefits of Spectrum Pharma Testo C for athletes for a very long time. We have identified the main pros that are most important for users:
- Building muscle.
- Reducing fat deposits.
- Progression of strength performance.
- Accelerated recovery from heavy workloads.
All the properties mentioned above are key for a bodybuilder to achieve his sports goals. The course of Testo C 250 Spectrum Pharma usually lasts 8-10 weeks, and during this period, a bodybuilder can significantly transform his body for the better side.
How to Take Testo C 250 Spectrum Pharma for Rapid Muscle Gain?
The main question that interests beginners concerns the dosage and rules of taking Testo C 250 to get only the benefits from the medication. Specialists recommend starting the course with a small amount of the drug so that the body smoothly gets used to the conduct of additional testosterone. Beginners are advised to take about 500 mg per week, while experienced bodybuilders can increase the dose up to 1000 mg.
Testosterone Cypionate Spectrum Pharma 250 can be the main supplement in an athlete's cycle, as its functions are versatile. However, it can be combined with almost any steroid to increase the effect you want. The bodybuilding community emphasizes the combination in the form of Testosterone Cypionate + Nandrolone.
Generally, there are cases when women and even children are prescribed a course of Testo C 250 Spectrum Pharma. However, these are people with diseases or low levels of the hormone. If a woman has a normal level of testosterone in the blood, it is not recommended for her to take such a drug for muscle building.
Spectrum Pharma Testo C 250 Side Effects: What You Need to Know
Before you buy such a drug, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the side effects that may occur during the course. Since TESTO C Spectrum Pharma is easily aromatized, its use in high doses may cause such side effects as:
- Water accumulation in the body.
- Acne on the face, neck, and back.
- Gynecomastia.
You can find many complaints in the reviews of real sportsmen about Spectrum Pharma Testosterone Cypionate that the injections bring a lot of discomfort. It is not known what this is due to, but many have painful injections in the same place.
Obviously, the main reason for the occurrence of negative effects is a high dosage or incorrect intake of the drug. At dosages of about 500-600 mg per week, a person using testosterone may not notice any side effects at all.